Project Description


Design:David Zhewei Feng, Shimou Chen, Yuan Ma

An Interior Surrounded by Nature

The old kindergarten design are very closed which causes poor natural lighting condition and isolation from the exterior environment.The high building density came with the rapid urbanization have also taken away beneficial green space for the kids. To resolve these problems, we are introducing two planting courtyards and largely boosted the size and number of windows. This ensures that every classroom has large windows facing at least two opposite directions to led in sunlight and landscape to provide kids with light and spacious environment surrounded by nature.

Safe and Continuous Roof Space

Similarly cause by rapid urbanization, the number of public garden has largely decreased. Back in the 90’s, it was still a very important part of children’s life to walk and play in the public square and garden in Shenzhen which was long gone during the development of the city. Therefore we decide to raise the building coverage rate by 5%-10% to create a large continuous roof space just like the public garden in we used to have. We also change the old build-playground design which causes discontinuity between the roof and playground space. Instead we combined both onto the roof top. This design can also protect the kids by limiting roof access.

Community Shared Space

The 10th kindergarten locates in the middle of Ningshui Garden which was design in 1988. The neighborhood lacks shared space for community activities. Therefore we decide to make the corner of the site into a community garden. The cafe and the music classroom that are directly connected to this garden can be selectively opened to the public during certain time to host community activity such as gala or kids’ drawing exhibition. When these programs are opened to the public, the building circulation can be strictly controlled to ensure safety of other areas in the kindergarten.




















